Digital Debris 2016

Jon, Anaglyph Angel ©2016

This collection of recent works from my on-going Digital Debris series are an exploration of new technologies, Pop Art call backs, and embracing glitch, and data bending applications as a form of art making.  They serve as 21st Century process paintings; crunching low rez archival works, HD selfies and video stills into technicolor Rorschach tests.

Self Portrait in Ruin ©2016

Jon, Black Rainbow

Plaid Is My Favorite Colour

Self Portrait Refracted

Night Vision




Jeremy, digital debris

Triptych Digital Debris

Give In / Give Up

Sindri, Digital Debris

Max, digital debris

Nishant , digital debris

Andy J, digital debris

Dave, digital debris

Portrait of an Artist ©2016

Captain of Industry

PG-13 ©2016

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